Set up internet on a Windows 10 laptop

A local network between two computers is an excellent way to conveniently and quickly transfer files. It can be used both for home use, connecting several computers at home, and for work purposes. And despite the fact that Windows 10, like p

Internet does not work on laptop

Hello! Today in a brief review one of the most common problems of home users. Let's find out why the Internet does not work and what needs to be done if such a situation arises. As always - no water. Let's go! Did something go wrong? Any questions? Until now

How to connect to the Internet via wifi

In a modern environment, more and more devices are appearing in every apartment that can be connected to the Internet. For full operation, an Internet connection is required for smartphones, phones, and tablet computers. As the simplest and most univ.

Licensed telecom operator

Unlimited 4G LTE Internet is an undeniable and convenient assistant for business. The OTK company, a federal telecom operator, guarantees you access to the World Wide Web without any restrictions on the number of simultaneous connections, the list of used

How to enter the BIOS on a Lenovo laptop?

Lenovo is on the list of the largest companies in the world that produce computers. And since the demand for the products of this company is growing, questions about the proper operation and operation of Lenovo equipment are becoming more and more pressing for users. And for those

Setting up Bluetooth on a computer (PC)

Despite the widespread use of newer WiFi technology, Bluetooth communication still remains relevant. Very often it is used for a wireless headset, as well as for quickly connecting a computer and a mobile phone. How is it done