Why is fps low in World of Tanks? Solution for fps drop in World of Tanks FPS drop in World of Tanks

Increasing FPS due to graphics settings

First, let's try to improve WoT performance using our own graphic settings. After launching the game client, go to “Menu-Settings-Graphics”. The window shown in Figure X will open in front of you - what can you change here? At the top of the screen, it is recommended to leave a checkmark next to “Full screen mode”, since the performance in the window is much less. We do not touch the remaining items in this area of ​​the window - we are much more interested in the positions of the “Graphics Quality” set.
For machines with poor performance, the following settings are recommended:
Graphics – Standard,
Texture quality – Low,
Decals quality – Off (do not confuse decals with parts),
Shadow Quality – Off,
Landscape quality – Minimum,
Water quality – Low,
Lighting quality – Off,
Tree quality – Low,
Vegetation Quality – Off,
Extra quality effects – Low,
Post Processing – Off
Draw distance – Medium,
Object detail – Medium,
Add. effects in sniper mode – Low.

All four checkboxes that follow (Dynamic change in the quality of effects, Grass in sniper mode, Effect from under the tracks and Traces of caterpillars) can be safely unchecked. With these simple steps you can increase fps in World of Tanks to a very significant amount. The above parameters have almost no effect on the gameplay - with the exception of two, which were set to the “Medium” position. The opposite question is that in WoT we managed to increase fps, but the picture became terrible. Which settings from the given set can be touched to improve the quality, but not cause too much degradation? The answer is in descending order - Texture quality, Landscape quality, Additional quality. effects. You can play with these characteristics and achieve an acceptable ratio of picture quality and FPS in World of Tanks. And do not use the “Auto-detection” buttons, as well as ready-made graphics quality settings - it’s better to spend a quarter of an hour once and set up the client as comfortable as possible for your PC, than to suffer later from slowdowns or a terrible picture.

Mods to increase FPS in the game

If, despite everything, low fps remains in WoT, then it’s time to use third-party applications. Many developers have developed special WoT fps mods that allow you to disable certain special effects that were not accessible in the graphics settings. The list of permitted modifications can be found on the forum, but we will look at a program that has absorbed all the best of them - the legendary WoT Tweaker. Refers to freely distributed software, is periodically updated in accordance with game versions of the client, supports many languages. The main program window is shown in Figure X.

Working with the tweaker is simple - when low fps interferes with playing in WoT, and the standard settings could not correct the situation, launch it and, after identifying the folder with the game, select which graphic effects can still be disabled:
Smoke from the exhaust pipe,
Smoke from destroyed tanks,
Smoke and flames when firing (must be turned off, FPS drop when shooting, especially in sniper mode is fatal),
Effects of projectile explosions,
Effects of hitting a tank,
Tank destruction effects,
The effect of hitting objects,
Object destruction effects (return the dog),
Tree movement effect
Cloud displays.

Despite the seemingly cosmetic settings, some of them are quite resource-intensive (for comparison, when developing Fable 2, animation and calculation of growing grass and trees required 15% of the CPU resources, so they had to be cut significantly).

Important - download mods and tweakers only from trusted resources, and also check them with antivirus software. Don’t fall for the “2x faster work!” advertisement. – miracles do not happen, and behind the attractive content there is probably malware. Moreover, not all mods are officially approved by Wargaming, and getting a ban for trying to improve WoT performance would be very disappointing.

Compressed textures

If the use of mods and tweakers failed to significantly increase the FPS of World of Tanks, then it’s time to start changing the game client itself, namely the texture files. It's no secret that they are packed, and processing and loading them takes quite a lot of CPU and RAM time. The solution to increase WoT performance was the use of compressed textures. The concept of the idea is that the original texture file is replaced by another, lower quality, but it will take much less time to unpack and load the data from this file. Currently, textures with quality 50, 25, 12.5, 6, 3 and 0.75 percent of the standard are available to the general public - just go to any search engine and type “WoT compressed textures”, then follow the link you like and Follow the installation descriptions. Attention - some mods, for example skins with penetration zones, will need to be reinstalled on top of the textures. You can also forget about a good picture - however, you have to pay for performance. There is also now a new, improved version of the WoT Tweaker Plus program with the ability to choose any texture compression level yourself. The compression process will take place directly on your computer, it will take about 2 hours.


In general, the World of Tanks game is very demanding on the amount of RAM - if you have an antivirus, ICQ, Skype in your tray, plus a browser with several bookmarks or other applications in the task list, then 2 GB of RAM will not be enough. Conclusion - close all unused applications before starting the game, use the appropriate RAM boosters. And ignore the message “Insufficient memory. Please restart the game." which will appear in the client from time to time. Banal memory leaks have been present in the project for a long time, and even 16 GB of RAM does not guarantee that after 5 - 6 hours of continuous play you will not have to reboot the PC.

Also, the performance and increase in fps of World of Tanks largely depends on the clutter of the operating system and the level of fragmentation of the hard drive (especially if a large swap file is used). Conclusion - regularly clean the registry with applications like RegCleaner or CCleaner, and defragment your hard drives every six months. In particularly advanced cases, it makes sense to rearrange the OS or roll back to an older version (for example, switch from Vista to XP).

Hardware overclocking of components

We have reviewed the game settings and client settings - the last method left is for fans of real hardcore - hardware overclocking of components. I would like to warn you right away that no liability is provided for computers, apartments and cities burned during the experiments. Any action you take will be taken solely by you at your own peril and risk - the data is provided for informational purposes only.

So, hardware overclocking of components. Concept - many PC elements, when produced in factories, turn out to be slightly better than the standard and their technical characteristics are deliberately underestimated. During overclocking, a switch occurs from standard to maximum operating mode, which causes greater wear on the equipment and faster failure, but productivity can be increased by 5 to 15 percent, depending on the type of components.

What can be overclocked - processor, RAM, video card. What you need to remember when overclocking is that performance increases due to the release of additional heat, so if your processor has a cooler from the legendary Made in China company, made somewhere unknown, then it’s better to forget about overclocking the CPU. The overclocking mechanism consists of increasing the clock frequency of the devices, as well as increasing the power supply voltage (this is where the additional power comes from).

Gone are the days when overclocking was carried out by installing jumpers on the motherboard, and in case of an unsuccessful configuration, you had to reset all settings to standard and remove the battery on the same motherboard. Now there are many applications, including those from official processor and video card manufacturers, that will allow you to overclock components directly in Windows. Again, the search engine will help you. Before overclocking, make sure that all fans of the system unit are cleaned of dust, the radiators fit tightly to the corresponding chips, and the thermal paste (where it is needed) has not dried out.

In general, the statement “I have low fps in WoT” has become quite popular on the RuNet. Don’t be ashamed to go to the official forum of the project, read the recommendations of other players and, in fact, the developers, and then a positive result will not keep you waiting long.

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For World of Tanks, the value of FPS (fps - frames per second), "refresh rate" is, without exaggeration, one of the most important factors that creates victory and defeat. Very often the outcome of a battle depends not on the thickness of the armor, not on the speed, or damage and penetration of the gun, but on a timely reaction to the game situation. Shoot first, dodge the projectile, expose a thicker section of armor, etc. None of these tactics will work if World of Tanks is slow on your computer.

How to increase FPS in WoT if you still encounter such a problem? The first obvious and intuitive remedy is to adjust the graphics settings in the game. To do this you need:

  1. go to the game client
  2. open the main menu in the upper left corner of the screen
  3. go to “Settings”
  4. open the “Graphics” tab

World of Tanks has a built-in performance diagnostic feature, so to get started, click "Auto-detect". The game client will conduct an express check of your hardware and select the appropriate settings. Try to skate a few fights with them. If the FPS problem has been resolved, congratulations, you can safely play. For the time being - until Wargaming rolls out the next update, which will add graphic beauty to the maps and tank models.

If problems with FPS have decreased, but are still noticeable, try setting all parameters in the same graphics settings menu to the lowest possible values, as was done in the screenshot above. If this does not help you, do not despair, you will still be able to play, but you will have to adjust the graphics using.

Let's start, oddly enough, not with the mods themselves, but with . The image in the game may “jump” not only due to a weak computer, but also because the server takes too long to respond to your computer. The symptoms are easy to confuse, so you need to use help to select the server with the lowest ping value. If you used to play on “some” server and now switch to the fastest one, the difference in gameplay can be astounding.

The next step, if choosing the optimal server did not help, is .

Each tank in the game is covered with a texture - a graphic image of the surface of the tank hull. In fact, this is a completely ordinary picture, which can have a very significant size. As you play, the texture (or " ") is loaded into your computer's memory. If there is not enough memory, the operating system begins to use the much slower computer hard drive to store information from memory, which leads to a drop in FPS to a “slideshow” state. To eliminate this problem, enthusiastic modders created . Textures can be compressed from 50% to 3% of their original size, significantly reducing the load on your computer and increasing the game's display speed, which means improving your performance.

When the game already looks like an arcade game from the late 90s, and the frame rate is still not encouraging, you can use one more trick - .

In addition to the fact that this mod reduces the load on the computer, it also, according to the game developers, gives an advantage in battle to players who use it, so its use is officially prohibited. The decision is controversial, because the display of leaves does not affect the camouflage, and you can target along the contour if you know these places. However, Wargaming does not have a reliable way to determine whether you have a prohibited mod, unless you yourself tell about its use by posting a screenshot on the official forum or telling, for example.

The last and most radical means of increasing FPS is.

This program disables effects such as shell explosions or gun shots. If you turn off all effects, the game speeds up noticeably, but it begins to look blind - you stop seeing some of the game events. For example, there is the sound of a shot, but the shot itself is not visible. It's quite confusing at first, but you can get used to it. We recommend using this program only when other methods of increasing FPS have failed.

If no manipulations with mods and programs have led to an increase in FPS to a playable level, accept it, it’s time to update your computer hardware in order to play World of Tanks.

Triple buffering- a method of displaying images in computer graphics that avoids or reduces the number of artifacts. Triple buffering allows for faster image output compared to double buffering.

However, it is worth noting that both of these options should be enabled if you have a sufficiently powerful video card. Do your own tests and you will understand. I for example in all my tests I left vertical sync and triple buffer enabled- this is how my FPS increased, sometimes very significantly (depending on the location).

System and environment

For a comfortable game, it is very important that the game has enough RAM. If you have 2 gigs of RAM or less, I strongly recommend closing ALL programs you don’t need, such as ICQ, Skype, background defragmenters, desktop widgets, players (especially iTunes) and other unnecessary software.

Also, some antiviruses and firewalls have a “Game” mode, in which the operation of the system will be optimized so that the antivirus does not slow it down.

In general, the goal is to free up as much RAM as possible. You can also enter the task manager using the combination CTRL+Shift+ESC(simultaneously) and see which processes are consuming more RAM and CPU resources. Just please do not close processes whose purpose you are not sure of! This may cause the system to crash.

How I conducted FPS tests in World of Tanks

I ran a series of tests, measuring FPS with different graphics settings. In addition to the settings of the game itself, I edited the file preferences.xml, and also changed the settings of the video card, which we have already discussed above.

Purpose of the test- set the optimal settings to get maximum FPS in the World of Tanks game. You can also do these tests yourself to set the highest possible graphics settings for a comfortable game, so the article will be very detailed. I strongly recommend that everyone do these same tests, since everyone has different hardware and the same game settings may not work the same on different computers.

To take FPS readings I used the program Fraps(fraps.com), which, by the way, can also record video, but we don’t need this function for our tasks. You can, of course, be guided by the frames per second counter built into the game, but Fraps has one undeniable advantage.

We are talking about recording the FPS indicator in a log file, which is very convenient for my test, since it clearly demonstrates the FPS statistics. Logging is done by pressing the hotkey (by default F11), optionally the log can be kept for a limited period of time - I set it to 100 seconds, this is quite enough. In 100 seconds you can drive a tank to your heart's content, move the camera around, get involved in battle, and, in general, do a stress test for the video card. The log is written to two files:

  • text, indicating the average, minimum and maximum FPS values;
  • a table in csv (Excel) format in which FPS is displayed per second.

Below in the screenshot you will see the Fraps program and its interface. The free version has all the features we need.

To collect FPS statistics, we are specifically interested in this tab shown in the picture. Let's figure out what it all means there.

  • Line Folder to save benchmarks in- path to the folder where the FPS log (log files) will be saved. For my convenience, I defined a folder on my desktop to make it easier to find.
  • Benchmark hotkey- a key that, when pressed, starts recording FPS readings to a log file.
  • Benchmark Settings - data that will be written to the log. A tick on FPS is enough for us.
  • Stop benchmark after- if the checkbox is checked, logging will be stopped after the specified period of time after pressing the hotkey.

I didn't touch the rest of the settings. If you don’t want to conduct tests yourself, then you don’t need to download Fraps, you can read the article to the end and make the indicated changes in the game and computer settings.

Looking ahead, I want to say that the number of frames per second may vary not only because of the graphics settings, but also because of the map to which the great random sent you. Thus, FPS on desert maps is usually higher than on city maps. This is explained by the fact that the city has more different objects, such as houses, bridges and other buildings, the rendering of which requires much more video card resources than desert landscapes. Therefore, I tested the same settings several times on different gaming cards.

FPS testing in World of Tanks

The first test, let's call it "FPS 1".

So, Fraps is installed and running, it's time to log into World of Tanks and measure FPS. For the first test I chose Auto detection in the graphics settings in the game. The game engine, having requested data on the system characteristics, concluded that my laptop could handle:

  • improved graphics
  • lighting, shadows, average detail, as well as average water quality.

Well, it’s debatable, of course, but let’s try to play like this. The battle has started, I wait for the 30 second countdown and press F11 to start recording FPS in the log. I skated several battles with these settings and you will see the average test results below:

  • Avg: 26.84
  • Min: 9
  • Max: 43

Avg - average FPS value; min and max I think are clear. It was not very comfortable to play - frequent FPS drops and stuttering. Because of this, several unpleasant leaks occurred.

Test two, FPS 2

For this test, I decided to independently determine the graphics settings in the game. I set everything to minimum except the draw distance. I won’t dwell on this point for long, just take my word for it - Draw distance did not affect FPS at all, so leave it at maximum.

For this test I set:

  • standard graphics;
  • everything else is set to minimum or disabled, except for the drawing distance - it is set to maximum.

Test result:

  • Avg: 35.1
  • Min: 18
  • Max: 62

Well, that's not bad! There is an increase, the minimum drawdown has doubled, which was reflected in the gameplay in the fact that there were no strong brakes. The average FPS level increased by 8.26 units, which in principle is also not bad, but there was no desire to stop there.

Test three, FPS 3

This test turned out to be a little different from the others and you will soon understand why. Firstly, I left all the settings as in the second test, but changed the graphics from standard to enhanced. And what do you think? FPS became a little better than in the second test (literally by a few units). But, as I already said, I didn’t want to stop there. Still, the developers were right about the new render;)

To further increase game performance, I overclocked my video card. This is also called overclocking. I was very pleased with the result.

Overclocking video cards

Attention! You do all the following actions solely at your own peril and risk!

"Well, it's very difficult!" - you say and you will Not are right. Today, overclocking a video card is very simple and with a head with brains, and not a hole into which you eat, it is also safe. Before overclocking your video card, you need to prepare your computer.

The most important thing in overclocking a video card is its proper cooling. To measure the temperature of a video card, install some widget on your desktop, for example GPU Meter. In the passive state, the temperature of the video card should be in the range of 50-60 degrees Celsius, and in the active state (in the game) no more than 85-90; if higher, you have problems with its cooling.

To cool the video card, you can install an additional cooler if your system unit can accommodate it, or, if you have a laptop, you can buy a special stand for it with additional cooling fans. If it overheats, it certainly won’t melt, but only if your PC has an emergency shutdown (almost all laptops have such a feature).

It would also be a good idea to replace the thermal paste on the video card board and other places if you have never done this before and you have had your computer for a long time. You can again find out how to apply thermal paste on Google; there are even a lot of videos about this on YouTube.

As for me, I completely disassembled my laptop in order to clean all the dust from all the boards and replace the thermal paste. Real hardcore, but unfortunately that’s not what the article is about. By the way, after assembly it works great, I write from it. Maybe open your own workshop?

Let's assume that you now have everything in order with temperature and cooling, so how to overclock? To do this, you don’t need to disassemble anything, just download and install one of the utilities listed below:

  1. Riva Tuner is a utility for overclocking Nvidia-based cards. More suitable for professionals, as it has a huge number of settings. You can easily get confused if you don't know what's what.
  2. - a very easy-to-learn utility that supports Nvidia and AMD cards, so it’s suitable for almost everyone. You can read about the capabilities and see the list of supported cards, and download the program itself from here (links to the official website of the program).

Let's launch the program. In it you can control the power of your video card, as well as the frequency of its processor + several other functions. She looks like this:

Unfortunately (or fortunately) on my laptop you cannot control the power of the video card, as well as the rotation speed of its cooler (because it does not have a separate cooler), but you can change the frequency of the processor and memory. Let's not go too deep into the intricacies, if you're interested, google all the concepts, but at the initial stage I recommend the following (it's safer):

  • increase values ​​only Core Clock And Memory Clock;
  • increase NECESSARILY gradually, about 5-10% and constantly monitor the temperature of the video card!
  • DO NOT SET THE MAXIMUM VALUES IMMEDIATELY! Burn your card, then don’t come to me with complaints.

On the right side, the program shows all the necessary statistics of the video card. What is indicated on the graphs is signed in the program itself, you’ll figure it out. After setting the new Core and Memory clock values, you must press the button Apply for the changes to take effect. There is no need to restart your computer, changes happen instantly.

Before running to measure FPS in the game, I carefully adjusted the overclocking of the card, choosing a mode in which the card did not heat up above 85 degrees at maximum load. For this purpose the program 3D Mark was used. Again, I won’t go too deep into this issue; I’ll just show the results of my tests:

  • without overclocking: 6371 points
  • with overclocking: 7454 points

Now let's return to World of Tanks, test three, aka FPS 3

Having selected the optimal overclocking mode for the video card, I launched WOT and logged the FPS readings in several battles. Here are the averages:

  • Avg: 39.90
  • Min: 11
  • Max: 82

For the first time in the history of the game in World of Tanks, I saw an FPS value greater than 80! Despite the smallest drops of the three tests - 11 FPS, the game was much more comfortable. The tanks started flying!

Comparative analysis

I ended up running three different graphics settings tests on my computer. In each test, I skated at least 10 battles in various locations, and then averaged the data and this is what happened:

FPS test 1: Auto-detection of graphics settings - improved graphics, lighting, shadows, average detail, as well as average quality of water and effects.

FPS 2 test: Custom setting - standard graphics, everything else is off or low except draw distance, which is at maximum.

FPS 3 test: custom setting - improved graphics, all other settings at the very minimum, or turned off completely (effects for example, lighting, shadows); drawing distance - maximum + overclocking the video card using MSI Afterburner (you don’t have to overclock it, everything will still be ok).

All tests had grass and track tracks turned off.

Test results in graphs and figures

Graph of FPS changes per second (tests were carried out for 100 seconds). Y axis - FPS, x axis - time:

Average FPS values ​​for three tests:

As a result, I managed to increase the average FPS from 26 to 40 (rounded), which was an increase of approximately 1.5 times! And the peak value increased from 43 to 82, which is already twice as good.

In custody

If the advice in this article did not help you, then three conclusions follow:

  1. You did something wrong, you made a mistake somewhere.
  2. Nothing will help you anymore due to the fact that the computer is very weak to begin with. It is necessary to upgrade (first of all the processor).
  3. Windows is completely screwed up and needs to be reinstalled. I noticed that over time, these tips in the article began to help less, even to me, the author of the article. And I have already stopped seeing the target 80 FPS. The solution was to reinstall the system and voila - everything works like a clock again!

Did this article help you? Leave the answer to this question in the comments. If it helps, give the link to your tanker friends and clan members.

Thank you all very much for your attention, you can also leave your tips for increasing FPS in World of Tanks in the comments.

I love to solve the problems-mysteries that life throws up in IT. This time trouble happened in my favorite toy World of Tanks, where I'm trying to become a nerd extra. The game has long been causing complaints from players in terms of performance, since competent multi-threading has not yet been implemented so that multi-core processors begin to justify their purchase. But it's worth saying Thank you game developers that in the latest patch 9.14 they introduced a new sound engine, which not only added new sounds to the game, but also runs on a separate CPU core, which has a beneficial effect on the overall performance when playing on powerful computers. It would seem that fps should increase a little, but my problem did not look like low Frames per Second in general, but fps drop in WoT after a while.

Since absolutely all available parameters are set to the minimum position, at first I sinned on modifications (mods) that extend the standard game client in Python. There are a couple of mods that are officially recognized by everyone as “fps lowerers”:

  • legendary eXtended Visualization Mod (XVM, olemeter)
  • mod Horizontal angles (UGN)
  • a mod that reflects latency to Wargaming.net servers directly in battle.

OK! Let's remove the mods, but that didn't help. Thanks to a video from a well-known professional player and author of modpack ProTanki, I knew about the serious impact of poor Internet (high latency when delivering network packets) on FPS. Many people do not understand how it can be connected net And video card. The fact is that the video card processes a lot of frames into a buffer for you and imagine a situation where, due to large delays, information comes from the server that your tank or the tanks of your allies/enemies are now not at this point, but at another, so called the "teleportation effect". The video card is “forced” to throw out the previously done work and start calculating everything again. If the video card is not top-end, then it turns out that poor Internet adds to its workload.

But logically, poor Internet not-at-my-home should keep fps low throughout the entire battle. And the problem with enviable consistency looked like a drop in fps after a couple of minutes of battle. I started looking at which settings are dynamic in nature. I won’t bore you, the setting is called dynamic change of 3D rendering. I also set the 3D rendering parameter to a satisfactory 95%, which allowed small details to disappear and seriously simplify the silhouettes of tanks in the distance, which will make the work of the video card easier. That's it! Drops from 120 fps to 40 fps disappeared like a bad dream. Stay random, VasiliscCom is going into battle!

Most people playing World of Tanks do not own the most powerful computers. For this reason, the question of how to increase FPS in World of Tanks is especially acute, but is there really nothing that can be done?

Of course, you shouldn’t despair, because even on a frankly weak computer or laptop you can take certain actions that will increase FPS and give the owner a little more freedom, the main thing is to know certain tricks and subtleties, which we will talk about now.

And remember, the minimum acceptable FPS value in the game is 30 or more (the higher this number, the better). If the number of frames per second drops below thirty, get ready for lags, freezes, image jerks, and so on.

Client Graphics Settings

The very first step to increasing FPS in World of Tanks is setting up the client, namely its graphics section. It’s funny, but many people don’t even try to check the characteristics of the game settings, but here you can move the sliders, uncheck a few boxes, and the effect will be very impressive.
To change the settings, you need to click on the gear in the upper left corner of the screen and select “Settings”. Next, go to the “Graphics” tab and look. First of all, make sure that you are playing in full screen mode and not in windowed mode, this greatly affects the CPU load.

Now set the graphics quality to “Low” (maybe “minimum” or “medium”, depending on your computer), uncheck “Dynamic resize” and try reducing the resolution of the 3D render by pulling the slider to the left. This way, you will reduce the load on your video card and increase the performance of the game. It is also worth disabling the color filter and anti-aliasing if you have them enabled (the described changes are shown in the screenshot).

The first stage of settings is completed and you can safely move on to the second. Click the “Advanced” button in the same settings section and you will see an extensive list of configurations for more complete changes. Here we check the box next to the “Graphics - standard” item and set the sliders as follows:
· Texture quality is low;
· Lighting quality - off;
· Shadow quality - off;
· The quality of additional effects is low;
· Add. effects in sniper mode - low;
· Turn off the amount of vegetation and post-processing.
· Uncheck “Grass in sniper mode” and “Effects from under caterpillars”.

Thus, you can manually adjust the quality of graphics and visualization of effects so that everything matches your hardware as closely as possible. The points described above apply to fairly weak vehicles, so you may need to play with the settings and test the changes in battle in order to find the best option. As a result, the overall picture should look as shown in the screenshot.

Next, go all the way down and make the final changes:
· The quality of the landscape is low;
· Water quality is low;
· Turn off decal quality;
· Object detailing is low;
· Tree detailing is low;
· Drawing distance - it is better to set it to “medium”, since this indicator greatly affects the drawing of rocks, houses and other objects at a distance. If you reduce this scale to a minimum, there is a chance that a piece of rock will not be drawn, and you will shoot at it, trying to target the enemy peeking out from behind it.
· Motion blur quality is low;
· Dynamic change in the quality of effects - it is better to leave the checkbox;
· Turn off the foliage transparency and caterpillar tracks checkboxes.

After all these adjustments (screenshot below), click the “Apply” button, restart the game client and go ahead into battle to see how the FPS has changed in Wold of Tanks.

Mods to increase FPS in World of Tanks

If changing the graphics in the game client settings did not have enough effect, there is another simple way to lower FPS. You can install mods to reduce the load on your computer's video card and processor.

One of these mods, the most significant and famous, is WoT Tweaker. This modification is good because after running it, you can disable those graphic effects that are not displayed in the client menu, simply by checking a few boxes. This is smoke from the exhaust pipe, clouds, gunshot effects, etc. This script looks very simple, and all the changes subject to it can be seen in the screenshot. By the way, in almost every popular modpack for the game World of Tanks that is on our website you can find a built-in tweaker.

Installing compressed textures

Another very effective method for lowering FPS in World of Tanks is installing compressed textures in the game. What does it mean? To put it simply, all textures in the game, for example, images of tanks and so on, are standardly at a certain level of quality and are archived in the root folder of the game. And subsequently, when you play, the game accesses these textures, loading them into the computer’s RAM and video card.

If we change the standard textures, tanks, landscape, trees, turn off various smokes, clouds, and other beauties of the game. We thereby reduce the load on RAM and processor time for generating the game landscape and other textures. Thus, if translated into ballroom language, we increase FPS in World of tanks.

Download the WoT Tweaker Plus mod on our website in the fashion section for World of Tanks, the settings as shown in the screenshot are not complicated and intuitive. The extended version of the tweaker has the ability to compress textures, and it looks like this.

Driver Update

Another method of increasing FPS, which sometimes bears fruit, is updating video card drivers to the latest version. The fact is that the creators of video cards sometimes optimize their performance by releasing new drivers, and installing them can give good results. Although this procedure is unlikely to help much, it is still worth a try.

To update, knowledgeable people can go to the official website of the creator of the video card, Nvidia or AMD, and download the driver for their video card there. For those who do not know how to do this, it is recommended to download and install a special utility - Driver Puck Solution. With its help, in the driver menu, you can find the necessary update or even several, if any.

To use this program correctly, in the settings you need to check the box next to “Expert Mode” and start the search. After that, select the required driver and click the “Install” button; how to do this is shown in the screenshot. Next, just restart your computer and you're done.

As you can see, using fairly simple tools and knowing some of the subtleties of setting up the game, you can easily increase FPS even on a weak computer. As a result, you will be able to install several mods and play comfortably, and the number of frames per second will not drop below 30, causing hated lags and image jerks.

The World of Tanks computer game requires fairly average performance from your computer, however, older PC and laptop models may not be able to handle the game and show fps below 30 frames per second. In this case, it is better to take action, since complex programs and games on your computer can significantly shorten the life of its components, and in extreme cases, completely destroy them. To optimize the performance of World of Tanks and make it easier for your video card, as well as increase fps in the game, you can take the following steps: update all drivers on your computer, especially video card drivers; adjust the video card settings, as well as lower the graphics settings in the game itself. This will add 10-20 fps to you. You will find detailed instructions in this article.

How to increase FPS in World of Tanks: update drivers

Every discrete graphics card manufacturer produces free software for them. The most popular video cards are NVIDIA and AMD. If your PC does not have a discrete video card and only an integrated one is installed, then you should think about buying a discrete one, since integrated video cards are not at all designed for complex tasks and games.

  • Open the software for your graphics card. For Nvidia this is GeForce Experience, the program is distributed free of charge on the company's official website.
  • The utility icon is always located in the computer tray; by right-clicking on it, you will find the desired tab.
  • Go to the "Drivers" section in this program. It will automatically determine which drivers on your device need to be updated and which do not. Download everything that appears on this page.
    This will take some time, so please wait.
  • As soon as the program notifies you that all installations are complete, you can close it. Don't forget to restart your computer.

How to increase FPS in World of Tanks: adjust video card settings

  • In addition to special software for the video card, your computer has a separate control panel for it. Find it in the computer tray by right-clicking on the video card icon.

  • First, go to the "Adjust picture settings" section. Here you can configure the priority of the video card: performance or quality.
  • By choosing quality, your game textures will be realistic, believable and smooth. By choosing performance, the characters and textures will become angular, a little cloudy, but it will be much easier for the computer to work.
  • Drag the slider toward Performance.

  • Now go to another section called “Manage 3D Settings”. Open "Program Settings".

  • In the very top line, select the World of Tanks game from the list of presented ones.

  • In the second line, set the value to “NVIDIA High-Performance Processor.”
  • Now all processes of this game will access the discrete video card, and not the built-in one, which is not intended for this.

How to increase FPS in World of Tanks: graphics settings

A very important stage that needs to go through in any new game. You customize the graphics to suit your computer and its capabilities.

  • Log into your game account through the client.

  • In the top left corner you will see a gear icon. Click on it to expand the options.

  • In the menu, click "Settings".

In the window that opens, go to the “Graphics” tab. Here you have to do the following:

  • Set all parameters to “Low” or “Minimum”.
  • Set all shadows, reliefs, fog and other effects to “Off”.

  • Then go to the advanced settings and follow exactly the same steps: set the minimum values.

  • At the very bottom of the window, uncheck the “Dynamically change the quality of effects” checkbox.

Not everyone has the opportunity to have a powerful computer, and those who suffer from low FPS in the game constantly wonder how to increase FPS in World of Tanks?

There are several options and we will look at them in detail.
1. Video card drivers
2. Game settings
3. Install Wot Tweaker
4. Installation of compressed textures from Animeha

Video card drivers

So you need to download the latest version of drivers. You can find out what video card you have in the computer documentation or in the list of components that are given upon purchase, or, if the driver for the video card is not installed, by installing the program from the official CPU-Z website (in the block on the right, select the version you need, in English language, for your operating system 32 or 64 bit, you can find out by right-clicking on my computer in properties). Having installed and launched the program in it, select the "Graphics" tab, in it in the top field in "Display Device Selection" or in the "GPU - Name" field the full name of your video card (video adapter) is written. Once you find out what kind of video card you have, download drivers for it from the official websites, links are provided below. After installing the drivers, restart your computer (required).

Drivers for video cards:
Radeon (or)

Game Settings

For the most convenient gameplay, the FPS in the game should not fall below 24 frames per second. Therefore, if you have below this indicator, be sure to lower the settings in the game. We recommend that you lower the settings in exactly this sequence (the article is written under 0.8.3, the items in the settings may have changed, but the principle has not changed): additional. effects in sniper mode, grass density, anti-aliasing, effects from under the tracks, rendering distance, post-processing, extras. post-processing, shadow quality, improved shadows, water quality, extra quality. effects, tree quality, object detail, texture filtering, texture compression, texture quality, vertical synchronization. Why in this order? Everything is very simple, first we turn off the least necessary settings and settings that greatly reduce FPS, at the end we turn off the most “vital” ones, i.e. I'd rather play without grass, but with a well-rendered terrain, if the computer allows me. Be sure to remove anti-aliasing, it loads the system significantly, and also be sure to play in full-screen mode, FPS in it is higher because your system is not distracted by third-party programs and devotes all its resources to the game! I don’t think it’s worth explaining the remaining parameters, I can only say that it’s better to disable them in this order, believe my rich experience (more than 10 years).

Installing WoT Tweaker

After installing this program, remove all effects or almost all, if you do not want to lose any. This software will increase WoT by a few more frames per second (FPS). You can read how to download and install the latest version of WoT Tweaker for the latest update (patch) on our website.

In custody. If all these points have not brought your FPS to the desired level, then you need to look for additional solutions to the problem, which are often discussed on the game forum or in-game software, such as Game Booster, or perhaps even reinstall the OS. And I advise you to gather your strength and resources and strengthen your PC with a new video card or RAM, if you have a laptop, you will have to buy a new one, do not skimp on your health, do not spoil your eyesight and do not simply waste your nerves.

I love to solve the problems-mysteries that life throws up in IT. This time trouble happened in my favorite toy World of Tanks, where I'm trying to become a nerd extra. The game has long been causing complaints from players in terms of performance, since competent multi-threading has not yet been implemented so that multi-core processors begin to justify their purchase. But it's worth saying Thank you game developers that in the latest patch 9.14 they introduced a new sound engine, which not only added new sounds to the game, but also runs on a separate CPU core, which has a beneficial effect on the overall performance when playing on powerful computers. It would seem that fps should increase a little, but my problem did not look like low Frames per Second in general, but fps drop in WoT after a while.

Since absolutely all available parameters are set to the minimum position, at first I sinned on modifications (mods) that extend the standard game client in Python. There are a couple of mods that are officially recognized by everyone as “fps lowerers”:

  • legendary eXtended Visualization Mod (XVM, olemeter)
  • mod Horizontal angles (UGN)
  • a mod that reflects latency to Wargaming.net servers directly in battle.

OK! Let's remove the mods, but that didn't help. Thanks to a video from a well-known professional player and author of modpack ProTanki, I knew about the serious impact of poor Internet (high latency when delivering network packets) on FPS. Many people do not understand how it can be connected net And video card. The fact is that the video card processes a lot of frames into a buffer for you and imagine a situation where, due to large delays, information comes from the server that your tank or the tanks of your allies/enemies are now not at this point, but at another, so called the "teleportation effect". The video card is “forced” to throw out the previously done work and start calculating everything again. If the video card is not top-end, then it turns out that poor Internet adds to its workload.

But logically, poor Internet not-at-my-home should keep fps low throughout the entire battle. And the problem with enviable consistency looked like a drop in fps after a couple of minutes of battle. I started looking at which settings are dynamic in nature. I won’t bore you, the setting is called dynamic change of 3D rendering. I also set the 3D rendering parameter to a satisfactory 95%, which allowed small details to disappear and seriously simplify the silhouettes of tanks in the distance, which will make the work of the video card easier. That's it! Drops from 120 fps to 40 fps disappeared like a bad dream. Stay random, VasiliscCom is going into battle!

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Instructions - How to increase FPS in the game?

Not everyone has the opportunity to have a powerful computer, and those who suffer from low FPS in the game constantly wonder how to increase FPS in World of Tanks? This article answers this question.

So how to increase FPS in World of Tanks?

There are several options and we will look at them in detail.

1. Video card drivers

2. Game settings

3. Install Wot Tweaker

4. Installation of compressed textures from Animeha

Video card drivers

A short introduction about the video card and drivers, for those who are in the tank. A video card is a board responsible for the graphics performance of your computer; the stronger it is, the higher your FPS (Frames per second). To operate a video card, there is special software called drivers.

So you need to download the latest version of drivers. You can find out what video card you have in the computer documentation or in the list of components that are given upon purchase, or, if the driver for the video card is not installed, by installing the program from the official CPU-Z website (in the block on the right, select the version you need, in English language, for your operating system 32 or 64 bit, you can find out by right-clicking on my computer in properties). Having installed and launched the program in it, select the “Graphics” tab, in it in the top field in “Display Device Selection” or in the “GPU - Name” field the full name of your video card (video adapter) is written. Once you find out what kind of video card you have, download drivers for it from the official websites, links are provided below. After installing the drivers, restart your computer (required).

Drivers for video cards:

Game Settings

For the most convenient gameplay, the FPS in the game should not fall below 24 frames per second. Therefore, if you have below this indicator, be sure to lower the settings in the game. We recommend that you lower the settings in exactly this order (the article is written under 0.8.3, the items in the settings may have changed, but the principle has not changed). add. effects in sniper mode, grass density, anti-aliasing, effects from under the tracks, rendering distance, post-processing, extras. post-processing, shadow quality, improved shadows, water quality, extra quality. effects, tree quality, object detail, texture filtering, texture compression, texture quality, vertical synchronization. Why in this order? Everything is very simple, first we turn off the least necessary settings and settings that greatly reduce FPS, at the end we turn off the most “vital” ones, i.e. I'd rather play without grass, but with a well-rendered terrain, if the computer allows me. Be sure to remove anti-aliasing, it loads the system significantly, and also be sure to play in full-screen mode, FPS in it is higher because your system is not distracted by third-party programs and devotes all its resources to the game! I don’t think it’s worth explaining the remaining parameters, I can only say that it’s better to disable them in this order, believe my rich experience (more than 10 years).

It is also worth noting that if you have little RAM, turn off all windows except the game, including sometimes programs such as skype (if you do not play through it), because it uses about 80,000kb of your RAM, you can disable everything in the Windows task manager by pressing CTRL + ALT + DELETE (DEL) or right-click on the Windows bar at the bottom of the screen (usually) on the desktop. In the manager, in the processes tab, you can see what and how much RAM is consuming on your computer in kilobytes (kB, 1,000,000 kB = 1 GB).

Installing WoT Tweaker

After installing this program, remove all effects or almost all, if you do not want to lose any. This software will increase WoT by a few more frames per second (FPS). You can read how to download and install the latest version of WoT Tweaker for the latest update (patch) on our website using this link.

Installing compressed textures from Animeha

These textures, this is already one of the extremes of lowering FPS, are suitable for those who want to maximize their efficiency with a weak computer. The article is in the process of being finalized, links will come later.

In custody. If all these points have not brought your FPS to the desired level, then you need to look for additional solutions to the problem, which are often discussed on the game forum or in-game software, such as Game Booster, or perhaps even reinstall the OS. And I advise you to gather your strength and resources and strengthen your PC with a new video card or RAM, if you have a laptop, you will have to buy a new one, do not skimp on your health, do not spoil your eyesight and do not simply waste your nerves.